Sunday, July 14, 2013

Running is How I Experience the World

I think of running often.  Just about every day I read about it, talk about it, or do it.

I'm not an extremist.  Some people need to run in the same way we brush our teeth or shower for work.  Some people need that connection.

I'm looking for a connection between my mind, body and soul through running.  I want to improve my running to such a level that I'll know I've done all I could with the gifts and challenges I'm given.

Running is a simple act.   Slightly more complicated than walking but not as technical as swimming or as equipment centric as cycling.

You can go out and run right now regardless of what you are wearing or where you are.  But in even the simplest of acts we find many dimensions.  That's where runners live.  That's where I rely on running to experience the world around me.

Like many, I have relied on running to release stress, get fit and enjoy a race now and again.  I've rewarded myself with cold beers, laughed about a good race effort and felt real camaraderie because of my running.

I have also experienced sunrises, cold frost on trees and grass, the smell of brewing coffee and frying bacon on a Sunday morning and genuine pleasure in watching others achieve at an activity I adore.

I have witnessed age, color and religion disappear in an instant, as the gun goes off on a 5K and regular people from all parts of life are turned into competitors for the next few moments.

I have been humbled by my failures and reborn again by a success so perfect, that I was moved to tears.

Running is the way that I experience the world and I love it.  For its spiritual side, its health giving properties an its ability to make me feel like the athlete that I want to be.

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